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The Value of Estate Planning

Writer's picture: John CappelloJohn Cappello

I am not an attorney and I am not offering any legal advice; however, I believe it is a good idea for everyone to look at estate planning for the final disposition of assets and to have any final wishes known. Estate planning is a valuable tool for peace of mind and for your heirs. Many times, it is a good estate plan that keeps families together after someone passes away. It prevents a potential conflict between heirs about the division of property. The clarity of your last directives gives you the final authority about your estate and assists in the healing process for those you leave behind.

In the “discovery phase” in the shock stage of grief, we often learn information which is another surprise in an already stressful situation. The sobering reality of learning there is no will or last directives can cause further emotional distress to those left behind. Everyone has their own sensibilities but generally having “few” surprises after your death for your heirs is a good policy.

It is never easy to think or talk about one’s own death, but it will happen and the sooner a final directive is done the better. A review of a will or disposition of assets should be done according to life changes. For example, minor children have different needs than adult children. These kinds of life situations should not be ignored because the ramifications can be huge!

A family meeting followed by a consultation with a qualified attorney can lead to good things once you have passed away. It is not paranoia to take a bit of time to plan in this area because life can end in an instant. The “ounce of prevention of a will can cure the potential for an additional pound of grief” that your heirs will suffer. These measures should be taken in perspective but should be addressed in some form.

My work as a medium has solidified my strong belief in this type of planning. I have so many clients that were not able to say “good bye” to a mom or dad when they passed away. They may not have ever talked about their final wishes either. An estate plan for your loved ones is another method of saying “I love you” to your heirs and for leaving a positive legacy they will never forget.

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