When you think you understand psychic abilities, you get confused because you realize that there are many types of abilities and that they are nuanced. Psychic abilities are not just sending energy or receiving energy. There are instances where both areas are utilized, and identifying when and how these are used does not have a simple explanation. Acknowledging these facts opens a discussion about hybrid psychic gifts, which include abilities such as empathy, healing, telepathy, and other talents that use both sending and receiving energy.
Let Us Break Things Down
Psychic ability is a misunderstood topic. The two main reasons it is misinterpreted are that it has not been properly analyzed and segmented and that it is unique because the information it uses can be either targeted or random. The first distinction that needs to be understood is that psychic ability is either masculine (projective) or feminine (receptive).
This distinction allows you to gain a foundation for the nuances of each natural gift that you possess. Each form has the quality of targeting and randomness. Intention and surprise can be aspects you have experienced in your life because your soul uses its abilities to project, sort, solve, or react to the energy surrounding it.
People Project Energy
You may not realize that you are part of the psychic equation and for the understanding of it. People naturally send energy to each other. Others interpret it as being compatible with them or not.
When you are feeling sad, for example, you are sending masculine energy to others, and they can sense it if they are paying attention. Our feelings and/or disposition are masculine energy being sent into the universe, and it can be sensed by others' feminine or receptive abilities.
It is a natural give-and-take that is constant in your reality as a spiritual and physical being. You have partial control over the energy you send others, but a skilled individual may sense you are masking an underlying situation or an agenda. The colors you wear, your body language, your voice, an illness, or scripted behavior are examples and indicators of the energy you are sending or masking to others.
Study Yourself First
Pay attention to the energy you are sending to others. Others treat you with the energy you project to them, especially after being with them for a few minutes. It is an indication of whether you are projecting positive (masculine energy) or negative energy to others,
The psychic test is an exercise that determines your strengths and weaknesses by interpreting the energy you receive. It is included in my book Soul Exercises for the Open Mind and can help you determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the development of hybrid psychic abilities.
The Types of Hybrid Psychic Abilities
You can break down these abilities into at least three categories. The three types are the Empath, the Healer, and the Telecommunicator. Each of these areas is unique and worthy of discussion.
The Empath
This type of hybrid ability involves feelings or emotional energy. Empaths are isolated because they do not know how to use this wonderful gift. They are “sponges” for receiving emotional energy.
If you are empathic, you need to learn how to protect yourself and avoid the consequences of negative energy. If you are not careful, an empath can encounter potential weight gain, isolation, and depression. You can mitigate these issues by learning to shield unwanted energy when encountered.
Empaths naturally send nurturing, positive emotional energy to others. You do this naturally, but you can do it consciously as well. It is no wonder that people with emotional pain like to be around those who exude nurturing energy when they are around them.
The Healer
Healers are more conscious about the energy around them. They are aware that they will be encountering negative energies. Whether it is an emotional or physical trauma, the healer has “tools” to use when facing problems involving energy. A healer uses their receptive skills to “diagnose” an issue and then use their “mojo” to work with it or fix it.
Healing modalities can be learned if you are inclined to do so. Psychic healing is nothing new because ancient arts like Reiki have been practiced for centuries. Many healers use several techniques to help people once they have learned they have an affinity for healing with their psychic powers.
The Telecommunicator
Telecommunication is another hybrid psychic skill that is not new. It is natural and occurs in many forms. Family members, spouses, and children often have this ability and use it without understanding that it is a “big deal.” It can be learned by paying attention to cues, but you must be open to both sending and receiving with your psychic abilities.
With patience and practice, you can send and receive feelings, visions, and thoughts from others. This may sound far-fetched until you meet someone who says, “Yes, I do that all the time.” Telekinesis is another form of masculine psychic energy, but it is less developed so far.
It can be confusing to work with psychic energy. There are genres of energy, types of abilities, and nuances. Keeping an open mind, journaling, and learning about yourself will help you figure out where your gifts fit into the big picture.
Remember, it is okay if you cannot do everything. No one has yet proven they are skilled with every aspect of this mysterious energy you may be intrigued by.
You may have multiple abilities and skills, but it will be a lifelong learning endeavor.
You will encounter skeptics and naysayers who will have explanations for everything. They are not open to your gifts or their own. You are special because you work with metaphysics and “existence beyond the physical.”
John Cappello, M.B.A. is a practicing psychic medium, author, and astrologer. For more information, go to www.johncappello.com.