A definition of mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits or the dead. Today, many people want to learn about mediumship, and there are plenty of teachers around to help them achieve their goal. Mediumship is attractive because encountering a spirit is an extraordinary experience, and there is a belief that a medium is an especially gifted person who can make this kind of connection.
The truth about mediumship, from my perspective, is that it is a natural ability that people can “tap” into if they are willing to pay attention to signals and signs given to you by Spiritual energy. Some people are indeed more aware than others to sense spiritual energy, but the Spirit world is not a faraway place that you will go to after your physical body is no longer able support your spirit. The Spirit world is all around you and you interact with it naturally.
Humans are Spiritual and Physical Beings
Most people agree that humans have a spirit that continues to exist after the physical body dies. Validation of this point can be done with personal experience or by a medium who accurately describes the characteristics or events of a person in spirit. The validation that a person has survived the death experience can be healing and can assist with overcoming grief for survivors.
The knowledge that a person has survived the moment of death appears to be a phenomenon out of science fiction, but it is a belief that is held in society and by religions. People who do not believe that humans do not have a spirit surviving death are atheists who believe that once the body dies the consciousness or the spirit of a physical body ceases as well. Mediumship is a powerful practice that proves that a spirit lives beyond death.
It is considered “taboo” to communicate with a spirit because the Spirit world is filled with all kinds of spirits. There are good and evil spirits in that realm, and it is said that communication with a spirit can be unhealthy. Many say that you can be fooled by a spirit who may have a negative agenda that can hurt you.
Sensing Spirit
Because you are a spiritual and physical being and because mediumship involves sensing a spirit it is normal to be aware of the spirit of a person who has not crossed over into the spirit world. Mediumship is about connection, and this is why you can sense the spirit of a person who has crossed over into the Spirit world and those who are still in the physical world. Individuals such as spouses, parents, children, aunts, uncles, and close friends remain connected to you throughout your life. Others can be sensed when you intentionally ask them to come.
Angels, guides, and other entities can be a part of your connections to the Spirit world by the frequency of your soul. This means that you will attract entities in the Spirit world based on your actions and the energy you project. This is why it is important to remain positive and have good intentions.
This point of view modifies the traditional definition of mediumship. It expands the definition from just communicating with crossed over loved ones and spirits who are exclusively in the Spirit world. A new definition of mediumship can be “the ability to sense a presence beyond your personal space.”
The Paranormal
Mediumship can be in other forms than just “sensing spirit” with your psychic abilities. The paranormal community exists to experience the spiritual community using their investigative techniques. People who encounter apparitions via sight, hearing, or receiving sensations are involved with a mediumship moment.
Spirits are detected in many ways that include mechanical devices. It remains an inexact science but with more people getting involved it is becoming normalized. Validation continues to be a measure of authenticity.
Out of the Box Mediumship
There are a couple of aspects that are not discussed at all. The first type of mediumship involves you having an out-of-body experience and others sensing your presence. The second type of mediumship that is usually not expressed is that of by location.
The first type of mediumship that we are discussing here relates to another area of this article. Reading a living person around a subject client is normal. When you consciously are allowing your spirit to lift from your body to go on a journey it is exciting and can be considered a part of the mediumship category.
Bi location is rare and people who have this ability generally do not say anything to others. It is an out-of-the box concept but it has been mentioned as an ability of Christ and other ascended masters. Understanding of this phenomenon can be done by realizing that people in spirit can be with all their loved ones in the living even though they may be miles apart.
A spiritual presence can be from someone in spirit, sensing a person who is continuing and their physical and spiritual journey, and finally a person who is consciously separating or splitting their body/spirit from their body while they are alive is expanding the mediumship discussion. It is time to grow this conversation and have a broader understanding of this area of metaphysics.
It is a commendable endeavor to learn more about mediumship. You probably have many questions about communicating with spirits or those on the other side in the spirit dimension. Having an open mind to explore the possibilities of experiencing the sensation of encountering a spirit is necessary so that you do not miss an opportunity.
Analyzing the experience involves using the “Psychic test” which includes examining the perceptions of each of your psychic senses. The test will give you fuller experience and improve your awareness of your surroundings. You may have to consciously exercise the test with a personal assessment first.
Our human experience is just now being explored from different perspectives. It is a worthy discussion that metaphysics allows within its philosophy. The best advice is to keep pushing conventional thinking and discover new frontiers and ideas in this area.
John Cappello is a practicing psychic medium from Texas. For more information about his work or to book a session go to www.johncappello.com.