Discovering your psychic abilities is a lifelong endeavor for people interested in developing them. It can be confusing if you are not patient and do not observe the psychic impressions you project or receive. Learning about yourself is a healthy exercise, and creating a “Psychic Profile” for yourself is essential if you want to know about the strengths and weaknesses of your gifts.
Discouragement is expected when you decide you want to use your psychic abilities. It is normal because you naturally want to control them. You may believe that you should be able to control when you use them and when you do not want them to distract you.
The truth is that your abilities are “on” whether you want them to be or not. You do not have to pay attention to them, or you can dismiss them, but they are always on. Your abilities are present whether you are awake or asleep. They are available to you if you are well or sick. The reason for this fact is that it is your soul that projects and captures energy.
Psychic Senses are Nuanced
You may not realize it, but each psychic sense is nuanced, and you may or may not recognize or have every nuance of each sense. There are several types of each sense, and you can easily be disheartened if someone you know has a skill you do not believe you have because you may feel diminished. The psychic senses can have many things in common, but you may not notice them unless you recognize the sensations as being psychic impressions.
The masculine psychic senses project feelings, visions, and healing and can have other nuances that have yet to be identified. Many people do not discuss these abilities as frequently as their receptive abilities. These psychic skills are fertile ground for the investigator who wants to test the power of the soul’s energy. Projecting energy can be positive or negative, so using these abilities must be done carefully.
Feminine psychic abilities are where the real action is for psychic development if you want to hone your skills. These gifts are nuanced, but most psychics have not articulated them clearly. Every feminine sense can detect the energy of the past, present, and “a” future. They have remote abilities, sense illness, solve problems, and create new things that have never been discovered. All of them have a mediumship extension.
It is “fertile” ground to explore, but if you are not able to connect with one or more of the areas that are part of each gift's nuances, then it is okay. It is important to be YOU. Use the gifts that you have and allow them to grow.
You may notice other nuances as time goes on, but do not get discouraged if someone indicates they have a skill that you do not recognize within you. Everyone is different, and each of us has a slightly different frequency with which our souls resonate. It is a beautiful thing!
How do you find out your psychic profile?
It is easy. It would be best to start recounting instances that you consider psychic impressions. Notate whether these sensations are feelings, visions, audible, knowing, fragrances, or flavors.
Once you have collected 50 to 100 of these moments when “clarity” has come to you on a situation or issue, you can add up the different types of impressions and get a percentage of each area. This is the beginning of developing your psychic profile.
The “clairs” are clairsentience, psychic feelings, clairvoyance, psychic sight, clairaudience, psychic hearing, claircognizance, psychic knowing, clair fragrance, psychic smell, and clairgustance, psychic smell. Recount if you felt, saw, heard, knew, smelled, or tasted a psychic moment and write it down. This exercise will assist you in determining who you are as a psychic.
It would help if you continued monitoring your impressions and adjusting your percentages until you are satisfied with the results. Once you are happy with your scores, you can understand your strengths and weaknesses. This type of personal inspection is personal and free of pressure because there is no competition with anyone, and anyone else’s parameters do not measure you.
What to do next?
Your psychic profile identifies who you are, but now you must decide whether to work on your strengths, develop your weaknesses, or do a bit of both. It is important not to work too hard because this can cause you to force results that are not there. This is a time for more observation and finding exercises and tools to promote your gifts.
My best-selling book, Soul Exercises for the Open Mind, is a good start for you if you want to have some rigor in your development. Taking classes from others you believe have valuable insight into psychic abilities is good. Tools like Tarot cards or other modalities can help you but only support your natural talents.
Developing your psychic skills is not rocket science. Still, you may have to overcome preconceived attitudes and dare to accept impressions that you project or receive as psychic and not something else. It is okay to have psychic gifts because they can only enhance your life or help others. The best approach is to use your talents to be more spiritual, sensitive, and open to possibilities.
Your psychic profile will help you develop your skills and give you confidence in your abilities. You will know yourself better and be equipped to help others with your talents—a healthy exercise in a complicated world.
John Cappello is a practicing psychic medium, astrologer, and author. For more information, go to www.johncappello.com.